- subscription offer
- объявление подписки на ценные бумаги
Ценные бумаги. Англо-русский словарь. Жданова И.Ф.. 2013.
Ценные бумаги. Англо-русский словарь. Жданова И.Ф.. 2013.
Offer for Sale/Subscription — There are two main ways to list new securities: an offer for sale is a public invitation by a sponsoring intermediary, such as an investment or merchant bank, of new or existing securities; and an offer for subscription or direct offer is a… … Financial and business terms
offer for subscription — /ˌɒfə fə səb skrɪpʃ(ə)n/ noun a similar to an offer for sale, except there is a minimum level of subscription for the shares, and if this is not reached the offer is withdrawn … Dictionary of banking and finance
offer for sale — An issue of shares by a company where investors are invited to buy the shares from an issuing house which has subscribed for the shares from the company. The issuing house may also buy shares from existing shareholders in the company and sell… … Financial and business terms
offer for subscription — An issue of shares by a company where investors are invited to subscribe for the shares directly with the company. A method of issuing shares when obtaining a listing for the first time on the Stock Exchange. Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein… … Financial and business terms
offer — Synonyms and related words: accommodation, accord, accordance, adduce, administer, advance, afford, allege, allot, allow, approach, array, assay, attempt, award, awarding, bestow, bestow on, bestowal, bestowment, bid, bid in, bid up, bring… … Moby Thesaurus
subscription — n. 1 a the act or an instance of subscribing. b money subscribed. 2 Brit. a fee for the membership of a society etc., esp. paid regularly. 3 a an agreement to take and pay for usu. a specified number of issues of a newspaper, magazine, etc. b the … Useful english dictionary
subscription — Synonyms and related words: John Hancock, OK, X, acceptance, accommodation, accordance, affirmance, affirmation, alms, alms fee, approbation, approval, authentication, authorization, autograph, award, awarding, bestowal, bestowment, certification … Moby Thesaurus
subscription capital — capital received from an offer to sell stock to the general public (Economics) … English contemporary dictionary
intermediaries offer — An issue of shares where intermediaries such as brokers and investment banks apply for shares on behalf of their own client base. A method of issuing shares used by companies which are obtaining a listing of their shares for the first time.… … Financial and business terms
rights offer — subscription rights / rights issue Euroclear Clearing and Settlement glossary Privilege granted to existing shareholders of a company to subscribe to shares of a new issue against payment. Rights are often tradable in the secondary market.… … Financial and business terms
rights offer — subscription rights / rights issue Privilege granted to existing shareholders of a company to subscribe to shares of a new issue against payment. Rights are often tradable in the secondary market … Euroclear glossary